Following the law on occupational safety and hygiene, VNS annually organizes occupational safety and hygiene training for employees to ensure labor safety, health and property of the business in July 2020
In April 2019- Vietnam Nippon Seiki Co., Ltd. organized an internal soccer tournament with 8 participating teams divided into 2 groups. This was a useful spiritual playground, creating conditions for employees to develop their talents, interact, learn, exchange experiences, and strengthen solidarity.    
Year – end event 2018, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2019. Joined the atmosphere to welcome the new year 2019 around the world. In December 2018 Nippon Seiki Vietnam Co., Ltd held “year end event 2018 & Happy New Year 2019” with lots of interesting content and musical performance.  
Vietnam Nippon Seiki participated in two majors: Women’s Volleyball and Men’s Football. We brought to the sports festival with the following spirit: – Physical health training. – Create close relationships and understanding between Companies. – Create a friendly and comfortable environment in the VNS community. Some pictures of participating in sports activities in Noi Bai […]
The company trained and guidanced on OSH for all employees to meet legal requirements and equip for all employees with knowledge about occupational safety and hygiene.  
Carried out annually training for all employees about fire prevention and fighting.  

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